An Equestrian Edge is made up of an array of students from ages 5 to 50+. We work as a team and are competitive only with ourselves and not with each other, or our fellow equestrians. We all strive to ride our personal best and when competing are looking to do better than our last ride and not our neighbors. We are supportive of everyone involved in this wonderful sport and promote sportsmanship and teamwork at all times. And most of all we have a ton of fun doing it!!! Come join the team!
Pictures on this site are all compiled of riders who currently train or have trained extensively with An Equestrian Edge or of Tara herself.
~Inspiring results in all levels and disciplines.
Tara Elizabeth O'Grady
About Tara:
Tara O'Grady offers training in Dressage, Eventing, and Show Jumping. Specializing in retraining OTTBs and starting babies, she has well over 30 consecutive years in the saddle, much of those spent with ex race horses. She trains horses and humans of all ages and levels. Her approach is unique to each individual Animal. Her ability to evaluate horse and rider teams and make positive change comes not only from years of experience but also continuous education and the drive to better her abilities both on the ground and in the saddle. She has, and continues to train with Olympic medalists and coaches in all 3 disciplines. Please navigate our site to learn more about her philosophies in each discipline.